Viitteet 11-20 / 444
Mitä on rahapolitiikan normalisointi?
Euro & talous 3/2022
Euro & talous 3/2022
Inflaation voimakas kiihtyminen on käynnistänyt rahapolitiikan normalisoinnin, jossa rahoitusoloja kiristetään esimerkiksi nostamalla ohjauskorkoja. Keskuspankit ovat siirtymässä epätavanomaisista rahapolitiikkatoimista ...
The value of publishing official central bank forecasts
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 74 ; 1
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 74 ; 1
Keskuspankkien riippumattomuus : Kansainvälinen vertailu
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 10/1992
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 10/1992
Selvityksessä tarkastella keskuspankkien riippumattomuutta ETA-maissa ja muutamassa muussa maassa. Keskuspankit ovat erittäin itsenäisiä Chilessä, Saksassa ja Sveitsissä. Itävallan, Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain keskuspankit ovat ...
A monetary policy rule for Russia, or is it rules?
BOFIT Discussion Papers 2/2016
BOFIT Discussion Papers 2/2016
We estimate several monetary policy rules for Russia for the period 2003–2015. We find that the traditional Taylor rule describes the conduct of monetary policy in Russia reasonably well, whether coefficients are restricted ...
What should the inflation target be? Views from 600 economists
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 7/2022
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 7/2022
The bias and efficiency of the ECB inflation projections: a State dependent analysis
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 7/2021
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 7/2021
We test for bias and efficiency of the ECB inflation forecasts using a confidential dataset of ECB macroeconomic quarterly projections. We investigate whether the properties of the forecasts depend on the level of inflation, ...
Effective Policy Communication : Targets versus Instruments
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 17/2020
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 17/2020
Communication targeting households and firms has become a stand-alone policy tool of many central banks. But which forms of communication, if any, can reach ordinary people and manage their economic expectations effectively? ...
Can the Chinese bond market facilitate a globalizing renminbi?
BOFIT Discussion Papers 1/2016
BOFIT Discussion Papers 1/2016
A global renminbi needs to be backed by a large, deep and liquid renminbi bond market with a world-class Chinese government bond (CGB) market as its core. China’s CGB market is the seventh largest in the world while sitting ...
Does People’s Bank of China communication matter? Evidence from stock market reaction
BOFIT Discussion Papers 9/2019
BOFIT Discussion Papers 9/2019
This paper tests whether the People's Bank of China's communication affects expectations of market participants and matters as a monetary policy instrument. For that purpose, we first rely on a computational linguistic ...
Whether to join EMS or not : Signalling and the membership
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/1990
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/1990
It is argued that if in a dynamic context a central bank wants to signal its commitment to non-inflationary policies an EMS membership makes its task easier by requiring less restrictive policies than if it stays outo ...