The role of banks in monetary policy transmission : empirical evidence from Russia
Juurikkala, Tuuli; Karas, Alexei; Solanko, Laura (01.07.2009)
Bank of Finland
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite onä
This paper focuses on the role of the banking sector in monetary policy transmission in an emerging economy with a rapidly developing financial system. Specifically, we exam whether the central bank's monetary policy stance affects banks' lending behaviour. Based on a comprehensive quarterly dataset on all Russian banks from 1Q1999 to 1Q2007, we find evidence for the existence of a bank lending channel in Russia. Contrary to several studies on developed economies, the level of a bank's capitalization matters for the transmission process. Better capitalized banks are less likely to adjust their lending practices following a change in the monetary policy stance.
Published in Review of International Economics, 19(1), February 2011: 109–121