Selaus JEL-luokituksen mukaan Suomen Pankki
Viitteet 1-20 / 21
Along but beyond mean-variance : Utility maximization in a semimartingale model
Suomen Pankki
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 5/2008
(05.02.2008) -
Childhood experience of father's job loss and stock market participation
Lapsuudenkokemus isän työttömäksi jäämisestä ja osallistuminen osakemarkkinoille
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 30/2014
(08.12.2014) -
Descriptive analysis of the Finnish stock market : Part II
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 10/2014
(14.03.2014) -
Domestic banks as lightning rods? Home bias and information during Eurozone crisis
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 3/2019
(05.02.2019) -
Drivers of portfolio flows into Chinese debt securities amidst China’s bond market development
Bank of Finland
BOFIT Discussion Papers : 8/2023
(05.12.2023) -
FinTech adoption and household risk-taking
Bank of Finland
BOFIT Discussion Papers : 14/2021
(25.10.2021) -
Forecast combination in the frequency domain
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 1/2023
(18.01.2023) -
Forecasting stock market returns by summing the frequency-decomposed parts
Journal of Empirical Finance : January 2018
(15.01.2018) -
Forecasting stock market returns by summing the frequency-decomposed parts
Osakemarkkinatuottojen ennustaminen taajuuskomponenttien summien avulla
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 29/2016
(28.11.2016) -
Forecasting the equity risk premium with frequency-decomposed predictors
Osakemarkkinoiden riskipreemion ennustaminen ennustemuuttujien taajuushajotelmien avulla
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 1/2017
(03.01.2017) -
Frequency-domain information for active portfolio management
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 2/2020
(09.01.2020) -
Global and regional links between stock markets - the case of Russia and China
Bank of Finland
BOFIT Discussion Papers : 4/2008
(17.04.2008) -
Information and credit cycles : Causes and consequences of financial instability
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland. Scientific monographs. E : 52
(31.05.2018) -
Learning Chinese? The changing investment behavior of foreign institutions in the Chinese stock market
Bank of Finland
BOFIT Discussion Papers : 19/2018
(19.11.2018) -
Measuring potential market risk
Suomen Pankki
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 20/2007
(05.07.2007) -
Owner-occupied housing as an investment, regional house price cycles and residential sorting
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 24/2011
(08.08.2011) -
Social interaction in the family: Evidence from investors’ security holdings
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 25/2017
(01.09.2017) -
The equity risk premium and the low frequency of the term spread
Bank of Finland
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers : 7/2018
(03.04.2018) -
The yield curve and the stock market : Mind the long run
Journal of Financial Markets : September
(11.09.2019) -
Time-frequency forecast of the equity premium
Quantitative Finance : 12 ; 2021