Selaus nimekkeen mukaan kokoelmassa Vertaisarvioidut artikkelit
Viitteet 131-150 / 213
National culture and housing credit
Journal of Empirical Finance : March
(31.12.2019) -
National culture and risk-taking : Evidence from the insurance industry
Journal of Business Research : April ; 2019
(02.01.2019) -
Negative Economic Sentiment Index Based on Finnish News Titles
Journal of the Finnish Economic Association : 1
(06.10.2023) -
Non-linearity in the finance-growth nexus : Evidence from Indonesia
International Economics : August ; 2017
(01.12.2016) -
Nowcasting Finnish GDP growth using financial variables : a MIDAS approach
Journal of the Finnish Economic Association : 1 ; 2021
(28.11.2021) -
On the Effect of Business and Economic University Education on Political Ideology : An Empirical Note
Journal of Business Ethics : 3
(15.03.2019) -
On the formation of inflation expectations in turbulent times: The case of the euro area
Economic Modelling : June
(22.01.2018) -
On the long-run calibration of the credit-to-GDP gap as a banking crisis predictor
Finnish Economic Papers : 2
(30.11.2020) -
Onko inflaatio rahataloudellinen vai fiskaalinen ilmiö?
Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja : 3
(04.10.2021) -
Onko tuottavuuden kasvun tyrehtymiseen mitään muita lääkkeitä kuin tutkimus ja koulutus?
Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja : 1/2024
(25.03.2024) -
Optimal Emission Prices Over the Business Cycles
Environmental and Resource Economics
(02.08.2021) -
Pakotteiden vaikutuksesta Venäjän talouteen
Idäntutkimus : 3/2023
(24.10.2023) -
Patenttien yksityinen arvo : kirjallisuuskatsaus ja uusia tuloksia Suomesta
Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja : 3
(04.10.2021) -
Perhe- ja yksilötekijöiden yhteys itsenäisesti asuvien nuorten taloudelliseen eriarvoisuuteen
Nuorisotutkimus : 4
(28.12.2020) -
Persistent and transient inefficiency : Explaining the low efficiency of Chinese big banks
China Economic Review : February ; 2020
(15.02.2020) -
Political influence and financial flexibility : Evidence from China
Journal of Banking & Finance : February
(Elsevier, 15.02.2019) -
Political ties and raising capital in global markets: Evidence from Yankee bonds
Journal of Corporate Finance : June ; 2022
(28.05.2022) -
Political ties and the yield curve
Economics Letters : July 2023
(19.05.2023) -
Politically connected firms in Poland and their access to bank financing
Communist and Post-Communist Studies : 4
(05.12.2017) -
Positive Trend Inflation and Determinacy in a Medium-Sized New Keynesian Model
International Journal of Central Banking : 3 ; June