Credit allocation, capital requirements and output
Jokivuolle, Esa; Kiema, Ilkka; Vesala, Timo (05.06.2010)
Bank of Finland
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite onä
We show how banks excessive risk-taking, stemming from informational asymmetries in loan markets, can lead to an excessive output loss when a recession starts. Risk-based capital requirements can alleviate the output loss by reducing excessive risk-taking in normal times. Model simulations suggest that the differentiation of risk-weights in the Basel framework might be further increased in order to take full advantage of the allocational effects of capital requirements. Our analysis also provides a new rationale for the countercyclical elements of capital requirements. Keywords: bank regulation, Basel III, capital requirements, credit risk, crises, procyclicality JEL classification numbers: D41, D82, G14, G21, G28
This replaces earlier version "Bank of Finland Discussion Paper23/2009."
Published in Journal of Financial Services Research ; 46 ; 1 ; 2014.
Published in Journal of Financial Services Research ; 46 ; 1 ; 2014.