Problems and prospects of economic reintegration within the CIS
Sutyrin, Sergei F. (27.03.1996)
Suomen PankkiBank of Finland
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite onä
The article deals with current state and future possibilities of the development of economic cooperation within the framework of Cornmonwealth of Independent States (CIS).According to author's position, both the most probable and the most preferable scenario of the process under review would be gradual reintegration of the member-states national economies within the alliance.At the same time, author discusses several major obstacles which at the moment (as well as at least in the medium run) hinder reintegration movement. Key words:Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), economic integration, Russia, foreign trade.
Uudelleenjulkaistu pdf-muodossa 2002 (Idäntalouksien yksikön sarja)Reprint in PDF format 2002 (Unit for Eastern European Economies series)