Viitteet 1-10 / 61
Price level targeting with evolving credibility
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2018
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2018
We examine global dynamics under learning in a nonlinear New Keynesian model when monetary policy uses price-level targeting and compare it to inflation targeting. Domain of attraction of the targeted steady state gives a ...
Assessing U.S. aggregate fluctuations across time and frequencies
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2019
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2019
We study the behavior of key macroeconomic variables in the time and frequency domain. For this purpose, we decompose U.S. time series into various frequency components. This allows us to identify a set of stylized facts: ...
Why so low for so long? A long-term view of real interest rates
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 36/2017
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 36/2017
Prevailing explanations of the decline in real interest rates since the early 1980s are premised on the notion that real interest rates are driven by variations in desired saving and investment. But based on data stretching ...
Mitä on rahapolitiikan normalisointi?
Euro & talous 3/2022
Euro & talous 3/2022
Inflaation voimakas kiihtyminen on käynnistänyt rahapolitiikan normalisoinnin, jossa rahoitusoloja kiristetään esimerkiksi nostamalla ohjauskorkoja. Keskuspankit ovat siirtymässä epätavanomaisista rahapolitiikkatoimista ...
What should the inflation target be? Views from 600 economists
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 7/2022
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 7/2022
Revisiting intertemporal elasticity of substitution in a sticky price model
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2021
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2021
Macroeconomic models typically assume additively separable preferences where consumption enters the utility function in a logarithmic form. This restriction implies that consumption growth is highly sensitive to movements ...
On robustness of average inflation targeting
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 6/2021
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 6/2021
This paper considers the performance of average inflation targeting (AIT) policy in a New Keynesian model with adaptive learning agents. Our analysis raises concerns regarding robustness of AIT when agents have imperfect ...
Determinacy and E-stability with interest rate rules at the zero lower bound
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 14/2021
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 14/2021
We evaluate and compare alternative monetary policy rules, namely average inflation targeting, price level targeting, and traditional inflation targeting rules, in a standard New Keynesian model that features recurring, ...
Pääkirjoitus : Rahapolitiikan normalisointi etenee varovaisesti ja asteittain
Euro & talous 4/2018
Euro & talous 4/2018
Maailmantalouden kasvun ennakoidaan jatkuvan vahvana, mutta kasvunäkymät ovat hieman viime kevättä vaimeammat ja maakohtaiset erot ovat kasvaneet. Noususuhdanteen nopein vaihe on ohitettu useimmilla päätalousalueilla. ...
Korkojen nostolla jarruja inflaatiolle
Euro & talous. Blogi
Euro & talous. Blogi
Pidimme tällä viikolla Euroopan keskuspankin neuvoston paripäiväisen kokouksen Frankfurtissa, Saksassa. Jo etukäteen kokoukselta odotettiin historialliseksikin kutsuttua korkojen nostoa. Sana historiallinen ei ole täysin ...