Viitteet 1-10 / 86
Growth potential and public finances need further strengthening
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2017
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2017
The current news on the Finnish economy is positive, and the outlook has improved. Economic growth has continued and is now more broadly based than before. Exports and corporate investment are both growing, in addition to ...
Forecasting inflation with the New Keynesian Phillips curve : Frequency matters
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2020
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2020
We show that the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) outperforms standard benchmarks in forecasting U.S. inflation once frequency-domain information is taken into account. We do so by decomposing the time series (of inflation ...
Formation of inflation expectations in turbulent times : Can ECB manage inflation expectations of professional forecasters?
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 13/2017
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 13/2017
This paper studies the formation of inflation expectations in the euro area. We first analyse the forecast accuracy of ECB inflation projections relative to private sector forecasts. Then, using the ECB Survey of Professional ...
How informative are aggregated inflation expectations? Evidence from the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 15/2016
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 15/2016
This study examines aggregated short- and long-term inflation expectations in the unbalanced panel of the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters. The focus of the study is on heterogeneity of expectations and changing panel ...
Väliennuste : Talouskasvu tyrehtyy energiakriisiin
Euro & talous. Analyysi
Euro & talous. Analyysi
Talouden suhdanne heikkenee Suomessa vahvan alkuvuoden jälkeen. Energiakriisi ja inflaation kiihtyminen ovat kasvattaneet taantuman uhkaa, ja talouden arvioidaan supistuvan lievästi ensi vuonna. Suhdanteen heikkeneminen ...
Interim forecast : Energy crisis will shrivel growth in Finnish economy
Bank of Finland Bulletin. Analysis
Bank of Finland Bulletin. Analysis
The economy in Finland is weakening after a strong start to the year. The energy crisis and rising inflation have increased the risk of a recession, and the economy is expected to contract slightly in 2023. The faltering ...
Euroalueen palkkapaineet kasvussa?
Euro & talous. Blogi
Euro & talous. Blogi
Pitkään jatkunut matalan inflaation kausi on nopeasti kääntynyt tilanteeksi, jossa inflaatio on kiihtynyt ja kuluttajien ostovoima on heikentynyt. Euroalueen palkkamittarit ovat tuoreimpien tietojen mukaan osoittaneet ...
The bias and efficiency of the ECB inflation projections: a State dependent analysis
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 7/2021
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 7/2021
We test for bias and efficiency of the ECB inflation forecasts using a confidential dataset of ECB macroeconomic quarterly projections. We investigate whether the properties of the forecasts depend on the level of inflation, ...
Analysis of aggregated inflation expectations based on the ECB SPF survey
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 29/2014
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 29/2014
This paper examines aggregated inflation expectations based on the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters (ECB SPF). We analyse possible impacts of changing panel composition on short and long term point forecasts and ...
Predicting relative forecasting performance : An empirical investigation
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 23/2018
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 23/2018
The relative performance of forecasting models changes over time. This empirical observation raises two questions: is the relative performance itself predictable? If so, can it be exploited to improve forecast accuracy? ...