Viitteet 361-370 / 371
Vaikka inflaatio hidastui, teollisuus kamppailee yhä kalliin energian kanssa
Euro & talous 4/2024
Euro & talous 4/2024
Inflaatiopaineiden helpottaminen on mahdollistanut euroalueella tänä vuonna jo kaksi koronlaskua. Niiden vaikutus näkyy kuitenkin viiveellä, ja rahapolitiikan viritys on yhä kiristävää. Ostovoiman vahvistuminen tukee ...
Inflation down but euro area’s manufacturing still struggling with high energy costs : simply short
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 4/2024
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 4/2024
The decrease in inflationary pressures has already allowed two interest rate cuts this year in the euro area. There is a time lag before their impact will be felt, however, and the monetary policy stance is still contractionary. ...
Can Growth Stabilize Debt? A Fiscal Theory Perspective
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 2/2024
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 2/2024
This paper studies price stability and debt sustainability when the real rate exceeds trend growth (r > g) in a New Keynesian model with endogenous technology growth through R&D. Endogenous growth constitutes a self-financing ...
Monetary policy announcements and sacrifice ratios
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12/2024
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12/2024
We show that sacrifice ratios associated with announcements of the most likely
course of monetary policy are lower when the implementation date is further
out into the future in the basic New Keynesian framework. This ...
Euro & talous 4/2024
Euro & talous 4/2024
Euro & talous 4/2024
Demographic aging and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 16/2023
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 16/2023
I document a statistical link between old-age dependency ratios and average markups. I propose that a mechanism whereby households develop deep habits in consumption as they age could explain this feature of the data. I ...
Rahoitusolot kevenevät inflaation hidastuessa : euroalueen kasvu piristyy hitaasti : Rahapolitiikkakatsaus : lokakuu 2024
Euro & talous 4/2024
Euro & talous 4/2024
Euroalueen talous on laskeutumassa globaalista koronnostosyklistä pehmeästi. Inflaatio on vakautumassa 2 prosentin tavoitteeseen, mikä yhdessä hyvän työllisyyskehityksen kanssa tukee kotitalouksien ostovoimaa ja ylläpitää ...
Geopoliittisten yllätysten vaikutus euroalueen inflaatioon vaihtelee tapauskohtaisesti
Euro & talous 4/2024
Euro & talous 4/2024
Geopolitiikka on tullut mukaan rahapoliittisten päätöksentekijöiden puheisiin tekijänä, joka voi aiheuttaa voimakasta vaihtelua inflaatioon. Geopoliittisia yllätyksiä ja niiden vaikutuksia ei kuitenkaan ymmärretä taloustieteessä ...
Impact of geopolitical surprises on euro area inflation varies case by case
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 4/2024
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 4/2024
Monetary policy decision-making now includes consideration of geopolitics as a factor that can create volatility in inflation rates. However, geopolitical surprises and their consequences are not particularly well understood ...
Average inflation targeting in Calvo model with imperfect knowledge and learning
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 13/2024
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 13/2024
Properties of average inflation targeting under imperfect knowledge and learning have been studied only for the Rotemberg NK model, where price stickiness arises from adjustment costs in price setting. This note fills the ...