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Enforcement of banking regulation and the cost of borrowing
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 19/2018
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 19/2018
We show that borrowing firms benefit substantially from important enforcement actions issued on U.S. banks for safety and soundness reasons. Using hand-collected data on such actions from the main three U.S. regulators and ...
Should one follow movements in the oil price or in money supply? Forecasting quarterly GDP growth in Russia with higher-frequency indicators
BOFIT Discussion Papers 19/2017
BOFIT Discussion Papers 19/2017
GDP forecasters face tough choices over which leading indicators to follow and which forecasting models to use. To help resolve these issues, we examine a range of monthly indicators to forecast quarterly GDP growth in a ...
Revisiting intertemporal elasticity of substitution in a sticky price model
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2021
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2021
Macroeconomic models typically assume additively separable preferences where consumption enters the utility function in a logarithmic form. This restriction implies that consumption growth is highly sensitive to movements ...
Determinacy and E-stability with interest rate rules at the zero lower bound
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 14/2021
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 14/2021
We evaluate and compare alternative monetary policy rules, namely average inflation targeting, price level targeting, and traditional inflation targeting rules, in a standard New Keynesian model that features recurring, ...
Assessing reliability of aggregated inflation views in the European Commission consumer survey
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 10/2019
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 10/2019
Using a novel approach based on micro-level survey responses, we assess the reliability of aggregated inflation expectations estimates in the European Commission Consumer Survey. We identify the share of consumers, whose ...
Does People’s Bank of China communication matter? Evidence from stock market reaction
BOFIT Discussion Papers 9/2019
BOFIT Discussion Papers 9/2019
This paper tests whether the People's Bank of China's communication affects expectations of market participants and matters as a monetary policy instrument. For that purpose, we first rely on a computational linguistic ...
Should we care? : The economic effects of financial sanctions on the Russian economy
BOFIT Discussion Papers 13/2019
BOFIT Discussion Papers 13/2019
We employ a Bayesian VAR model to estimate the economic effects on the Russian economy from Western financial sanctions imposed in 2014. Sanctions caused a decrease in the amount of out-standing Russian corporate external ...
Oil price collapse and firm leverage in resource-dependent countries
BOFIT Discussion Papers 10/2018
BOFIT Discussion Papers 10/2018
This study examines the financial channel between oil price volatility and the resource curse using firm-level data. A collapse in oil prices adversely affects firm borrowing in resource-dependent countries. However, unlike ...
The transmission of international shocks to CIS economies : A Global VAR approach
BOFIT Discussion Papers 17/2018
BOFIT Discussion Papers 17/2018
This paper employs a Global Vector Auto Regressive (GVAR) model to study the evolution of the response of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) to foreign output and oil price shocks. During a two-decade observation ...
Not all cities are alike : House price heterogeneity and the design of macro-prudential policies in China
BOFIT Discussion Papers 18/2018
BOFIT Discussion Papers 18/2018
This paper investigates the implementation of regionally differentiated macro-prudential policies in China. To assess the relative intensity of the city-level macro-prudential policies over time, we construct a time-varying ...