Viitteet 21-30 / 327
Pienin askelin kohti normaalia rahapolitiikkaa
Suomen Pankki. Blogi
Suomen Pankki. Blogi
Euroopan keskuspankin neuvosto päätti eilen nostaa EKP:n rahapoliittisia ohjauskorkoja 0,25 prosenttiyksiköllä. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa, että ensi viikosta alkaen pankkien EKP:sta vakuuksia vastaan hakemista rahapoliittisista ...
Inflationary household uncertainty shocks
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2022
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2022
I construct a novel measure of household uncertainty based on survey data for European countries. I show that household uncertainty shocks do not universally behave like negative demand shocks. Notably, household uncertainty ...
Monetary policy rules and the effective lower bound in the Euro area
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2021
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2021
We analyze the economic performance of different monetary policy strategies, or rules, in a low interest rate environment, using simulations with a DSGE model which has been estimated for the euro area. We study how often ...
Euro Area Business Confidence and Covid-19
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2021
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2021
I study the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on business confidence in 11 Euro area countries and its consequent impact on economic activity. To obtain causal effects, I instrument business confidence with domestic household ...
Rahapolitiikkaa, mutta millä riskillä?
Suomen Pankki. Blogi
Suomen Pankki. Blogi
Suurin keskuspankkitoiminnan riski liittyy aina toteutettavaan rahapolitiikkaan. Päästäänkö tehdyillä politiikkapäätöksillä haluttuun hintakehitykseen? Ajautuminen inflaatio- tai deflaatiokierteeseen aiheuttaisi merkittäviä ...
The role of expectations in the inflation process in the euro area
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 6/2005
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 6/2005
This paper analyses the role of inflation expectations in the euro area. On one hand, the question is how inflation expectations affect both inflation and output,and, on the other hand, how inflation expectations reflect ...
Euro area monetary and fiscal policy tracking design in the time-frequency domain
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12/2015
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12/2015
This paper first applies the MODWT (Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform) to Euro Area quarterly GDP data from 1995 – 2014 to obtain the underlying cyclical structure of the GDP components. We then design optimal ...
Did foreign banks “cut and run” or stay committed to Emerging Europe during the crises?
BOFIT Discussion Papers 31/2015
BOFIT Discussion Papers 31/2015
Our objective is to examine empirically the behavior of foreign banks regarding real loan growth during a financial crisis for a set of countries in which these banks dominate the banking sectors due primarily to having ...
Measuring household uncertainty in EU countries
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 17/2019
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 17/2019
I provide a measure of household uncertainty available for European Union (EU) countries. The measure draws from the same consumer survey data used to construct widely-used consumer sentiment indices. I find that increases ...
Endogenous TFP, business cycle persistence and the productivity slowdown
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 21/2019
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 21/2019
This paper analyses the procyclicality of euro area total factor productivity and its role in business cycle amplification by estimating a medium-scale DSGE model with endogenous productivity mechanism on euro area data. ...