Viitteet 11-20 / 371
The age-structure–inflation puzzle
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2016
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2016
We uncover a puzzling link between low-frequency inflation and the population age-structure: the young and old (dependents) are inflationary whereas the working age population is disinflationary. The relationship is not ...
Formation of inflation expectations in turbulent times : Can ECB manage inflation expectations of professional forecasters?
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 13/2017
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 13/2017
This paper studies the formation of inflation expectations in the euro area. We first analyse the forecast accuracy of ECB inflation projections relative to private sector forecasts. Then, using the ECB Survey of Professional ...
Measuring the effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policy in the euro area
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12/2018
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12/2018
I estimate the effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policy in the euro area by using a factor-augmented vector autoregression.I complement the standard monetary policy analysis using the short rate with ...
Comparing inflation and price level targeting: the role of forward guidance and transparency
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2015
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2015
We examine global dynamics under learning in New Keynesian models with price level targeting that is subject to the zero lower bound. The role of forward guidance is analyzed under transparency about the policy rule. ...
Controlling inflation with switching monetary and fiscal policies: expectations, fiscal guidance and timid regime changes
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2017
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2017
Inflation depends on both monetary and fiscal policies and on how agents believe that these policies will evolve in the future. Can monetary policy control inflation, when both monetary and fiscal policies are allowed to ...
Optimal monetary policy under bounded rationality
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2018
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 9/2018
Optimal monetary policy under discretion, commitment, and optimal simple rules regimes is analyzed through a behavioral New Keynesian model. Flexible price level targeting dominates under discretion; flexible inflation ...
How informative are aggregated inflation expectations? Evidence from the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 15/2016
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 15/2016
This study examines aggregated short- and long-term inflation expectations in the unbalanced panel of the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters. The focus of the study is on heterogeneity of expectations and changing panel ...
Helppolukuinen yhteenveto : Energiakriisi nostaa hintoja – kasvua heikentävät vaikutukset vielä edessä
Euro & talous 3/2022
Euro & talous 3/2022
Energian hinnat ovat nousseet voimakkaasti euroalueella. Etenkin maakaasu ja sähkö ovat kallistuneet Venäjän hyökkäyssodan seurauksena. Energiakriisi voi vaikuttaa euroalueen talouskehitykseen pitkään. Euroalueen jäsenmaat ...
Väliennuste : Talouskasvu tyrehtyy energiakriisiin
Euro & talous. Analyysi
Euro & talous. Analyysi
Talouden suhdanne heikkenee Suomessa vahvan alkuvuoden jälkeen. Energiakriisi ja inflaation kiihtyminen ovat kasvattaneet taantuman uhkaa, ja talouden arvioidaan supistuvan lievästi ensi vuonna. Suhdanteen heikkeneminen ...
Bank of Finland Bulletin : Bank of Finland articles on the economy 3/2022
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 3/2022
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 3/2022