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Bank of Finland forecast : Upswing more broadly based – Improved chances for balanced growth in Finland
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2017
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2017
Finland’s economic growth is broadly based, exports are fuelling growth and at the same time domestic demand continues to be strong. According to the Bank of Finland forecast, Finland’s GDP will grow 3.1% in 2017 and 2.5% ...
Assessment of public finances in December 2016
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2016
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2016
Finland's fiscal situation is challenging. The general government deficit is still high, and public debt is on an upward trend. Attainment of more balanced public finances is hampered not only by high unemployment-related ...
Forecast for 2017–2019
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2016
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2016
Forecast assumptions : Accelerating global growth raises price of oil
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2017
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2017
The global economy is still enjoying strong and broadly based growth. A growth spurt was seen in world trade in 2017, reflecting in part an upward correction from a lacklustre previous year. Consequently, the growth in ...
Political changes increase uncertainty surrounding global economic outlook
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2016
Bank of Finland. Bulletin 5/2016
The global economy is envisaged to grow at a pace of well over 3% in 2017–2019, i.e. slightly faster than in 2016. World trade growth will accelerate during the forecast period, but will remain slow relative to GDP, as in ...
Formation of inflation expectations in turbulent times : Can ECB manage inflation expectations of professional forecasters?
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 13/2017
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 13/2017
This paper studies the formation of inflation expectations in the euro area. We first analyse the forecast accuracy of ECB inflation projections relative to private sector forecasts. Then, using the ECB Survey of Professional ...
Väliennuste : Talouskasvu tyrehtyy energiakriisiin
Euro & talous. Analyysi
Euro & talous. Analyysi
Talouden suhdanne heikkenee Suomessa vahvan alkuvuoden jälkeen. Energiakriisi ja inflaation kiihtyminen ovat kasvattaneet taantuman uhkaa, ja talouden arvioidaan supistuvan lievästi ensi vuonna. Suhdanteen heikkeneminen ...
Interim forecast : Energy crisis will shrivel growth in Finnish economy
Bank of Finland Bulletin. Analysis
Bank of Finland Bulletin. Analysis
The economy in Finland is weakening after a strong start to the year. The energy crisis and rising inflation have increased the risk of a recession, and the economy is expected to contract slightly in 2023. The faltering ...
Nowcasting and short-term forecasting of Russian GDP with a dynamic factor model
BOFIT Discussion Papers 19/2015
BOFIT Discussion Papers 19/2015
Real-time assessment of quarterly GDP growth rates is crucial for evaluation of economy’s current perspectives given the fact that respective data is normally subject to substantial publication delays by national statistical ...
Should one follow movements in the oil price or in money supply? Forecasting quarterly GDP growth in Russia with higher-frequency indicators
BOFIT Discussion Papers 19/2017
BOFIT Discussion Papers 19/2017
GDP forecasters face tough choices over which leading indicators to follow and which forecasting models to use. To help resolve these issues, we examine a range of monthly indicators to forecast quarterly GDP growth in a ...