Viitteet 1-10 / 318
Price level targeting with evolving credibility
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2018
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2018
We examine global dynamics under learning in a nonlinear New Keynesian model when monetary policy uses price-level targeting and compare it to inflation targeting. Domain of attraction of the targeted steady state gives a ...
Information acquisition during a descending price auction with asymmetrically informed players
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2017
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 5/2017
This paper considers equilibrium behavior in a descending price auction with two players that are asymmetrically informed. The ”informed” player knows his valuation while the other does not. The uninformed player can acquire ...
Estimating conditional betas and the price of risk for a thin stock market
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 8/1992
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 8/1992
This paper examines the Sharpe-Lintner Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) in which time-varying-parameter models are altemative to the static market model. Prior evidence does not support the CAPM and suggests that market ...
House prices, lending standards, and the macroeconomy
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2017
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2017
I study the link between house prices, lending standards, and aggregate over-investment in housing. I develop a model of the housing market where the credit market is affected by asymmetric information. Selection is towards ...
Extreme events and optimal monetary policy
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2018
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/2018
This paper studies the implication of extreme shocks for monetary policy. The analysis is based on a small-scale New Keynesian model with sticky prices and wages where shocks are drawn from asymmetric Generalized Extreme ...
Price rigidities and the granular origins of aggregate fluctuations
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 3/2018
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 3/2018
We study the ability of sectoral shocks to generate aggregate fluctuations in a multi-sector general equilibrium model featuring sectoral heterogeneity in price stickiness, sector size, and input-output linkages. We show ...
Labour supply, wages and prices in the BOF4 quarterly model of the Finnish economy
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 6/1989
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 6/1989
This paper describes the supply of labour and the determination of wages and prices in the BOF4 model. Labour supply is modelled as a function of real wage, income and discouraged worker effects. Wages are a functi on of ...
External adjustment in small open economies : Some recent experience
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 6/1988
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 6/1988
The paper deals with the adjustment problems that small open economies face in a financially integrated world. Particular attention is paid to the assignment of different policy instruments te the achievement different ...
Velkakirjojen hinnoittelu arbitraasimallissa
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 3/1991
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 3/1991
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan velkakirjan hinnan määräytymistä modernista portfolioteoriasta peräisin olevassa arbitraasikehikossa. Erityisesti käsitellään Coxin, Ingersollin ja Rossin (CIR) intertemporaalista hinnoittelumallia ...
Inflation, capital markets and household saving in Nordic countries
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/1992
Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 4/1992
Household saving ratios in the Nordie eountries are very low by intemational standards and have declined markedly during the 1980s. Aggregate quarterly time-series data for the period 1970-1989 are used to study the ...