Now showing items 1 to 10 / 123
Channels of dialogue between international businesses and national governments : The implications for domestic reforms and international relations in the case of Russia
BOFIT Policy Brief 5/2018
BOFIT Policy Brief 5/2018
We explore the role and organizing capacity of foreign business associations (FBAs) in the Russian context. Considering the potential role of FBAs as effective intermediaries during time of aggravated international relations, ...
Juanin kansainvälistyminen ei etene suoraviivaisesti
BOFIT Policy Brief 11/2018
BOFIT Policy Brief 11/2018
Talouden kasvun ja kehityksen myötä Kiina on noussut yhä tärkeämmäksi toimijaksi maailmantaloudessa, ja pitkällä tähtäimellä maan rahoitusmarkkinoiden avaamisen ja integroitumisen maailmanmarkkinoihin voidaan nähdä jatkuvan. ...
Russia’s technology imports from East Asia
BOFIT Policy Brief 6/2022
BOFIT Policy Brief 6/2022
This brief considers the role of East Asian economies in Russia’s technology imports. The EU, US and UK have set strict sanctions and export restrictions on Russia in response to the war in Ukraine, while responses from ...
Russian foreign trade after four months of war in Ukraine
BOFIT Policy Brief 5/2022
BOFIT Policy Brief 5/2022
This brief examines the development of Russia’s trade flows in the March-June period following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia ceased publication of foreign trade statistics after the war broke out, so we utilize the ...
Rebalancing of demand in China – illustrating possible effects with an input-output analysis
BOFIT Policy Brief 9/2015
BOFIT Policy Brief 9/2015
As it gets increasingly difficult for investors to find opportunities for productive investment, China’s traditional investment-led growth model has lost steam. China now faces a rebalancing of domestic demand toward ...
Estimating GDP and foreign rents of the oil and gas sector in the USSR then and Russia now
BOFIT Policy Brief 10/2016
BOFIT Policy Brief 10/2016
A Soviet legacy for present-day Russia is found in its resource dependency as well as its implicit exposition of resource rents from foreign trade in the national accounting. Estimating rents from the foreign trade of oil ...
A U.S. perspective on China’s external economic disputes in the past 40 years and in the coming 40 years
BOFIT Policy Brief 7/2018
BOFIT Policy Brief 7/2018
Our principal policy suggestion to China is that, because China’s economy in 2018 is very different from that in 1978, there should be more reciprocity in China’s trade and investment relations with the advanced economies. ...
Economic relations between Russia and China – Increasing inter-dependency?
BOFIT Policy Brief 6/2016
BOFIT Policy Brief 6/2016
The economic cooperation between Russia and China has increased notably during past couple of decades, although from a very low level. Despite the increase, economic dependency between countries remains relatively low and ...
Domestic and external factors in the development of Russia’s economic think tanks sector
BOFIT Policy Brief 3/2016
BOFIT Policy Brief 3/2016
This paper considers the development and current state of Russia’s think tank sector. As in Eastern Europe, international technical assistance played an important in development of Russian think tanks in 1990s. However ...
Ukraine: Struggling banking sector and substantial political and economic uncertainty
BOFIT Policy Brief 3/2015
BOFIT Policy Brief 3/2015
The situation of banks in Ukraine is exceptionally challenging for a number of reasons: They have not managed to recover from the 2008–2009 crisis before being hit again in 2014. The deep Ukrainian recession and the plunge ...